Oracle Fusion Procurement: Purchase Requisition Grouping

9 min readFeb 16, 2024


1. Opt in Feature

2. Setup

3. Verification

1. Purchase requisition with two lines each carries unique deliver to location.

2. Grouping multiple purchase requisitions in one purchase order.

4. Log File

Job Id: 4086557

Generate Orders Job Started.

Prc BU ID: 300000002956250

Req BU ID: 300000002956250

requestExecutionContext: 4086557, false, null, 3e6de83e_b1e6_4610_b81c_6486832f32d4, -1, 1

Batch Size: 3000

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- STARTED

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Processing Started.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Processing of Batch: 1 Started

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Started: Cleanup of Interface Tables.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Finished: Cleanup of Interface Tables.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Started: Filtering the Batch.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Start: Locking the Batch.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- l_schedule_grps_optin_enabled value: T

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Finished: Locking the Batch.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Locked: 3 Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- No. of Lines inserted in po_headers_interface table:3.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- No. of Lines inserted in po_lines_interface table:3.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Item revision defaulted from PIM in po_interface_lines tables for the processing batch. #rows updated = 0

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Populated Interface Tables for Processing the Batch.

20:09:2023 13:00:00 :- Finished: Filtering the Batch.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating Supplier on Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if the Supplier exists on req line

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- finished: Validating if the Supplier on Requisition Lines exists.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if the Supplier on Requisition Lines is active.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validated if the Supplier on Requisition Lines is active.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if Supplier site is an active purchasing site in Proc BU

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validated if Supplier site is an active purchasing site in Proc BU

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if Supplier site has an active assignment in Req BU.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validating if supplier site has an active assignment in Req BU.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validating Supplier on Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating Source Document on Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if Agreement exists on req line

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- finished: Validating if Agreement exists on req line

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if need_by_date is between agreement effective dates or if creation date <= agreement end date

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validating if need_by_date is between agreement effective dates or if creation date <= agreement end date

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if agreement is implemented ,but not cancelled, not finally closed and not on hold

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validating if agreement is implemented ,but not cancelled, not finally closed and not on hold

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if agreement is still enabled for use by Req BU from the suggested supplier site

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validating if agreement is still enabled for use by Req BU from the suggested supplier site

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Validating if agreement line is expired is source agreement is BPA

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- finished: Validating if agreement line is expired is source agreement is BPA

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Validating Source Document on Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Automatic Document Sourcing for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Automatic Document Sourcing for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Determine Buyer for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Determine Buyer for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Determine Financial Route

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Determine Financial Route

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Eligibility Check for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked: Assigned Buyer.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Validated: Assigned Buyer is valid or not.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Validated: Negotiation Required.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Validated: Item purchasability.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for P-Card and SFO Validity.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for P-Card Validity.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for P-Card Validity with respect to Supplier.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Updated reqtopo automation eligibility based on Pcard validity.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for Emergency PO Validity.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for Negotiated Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for Negotiated by Preparer.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for Automatic PO Creation Allowed, from Contract Agreement.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Checked for Automatic PO Creation Allowed, from Blanket Agreement.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Eligibility Check for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Update for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Processing completed for Requisition Line ID: 300000081240320. Values Set: ASSIGNED_BUYER_ID = 300000001844156, REQUISITION_NUMBER = 64, LINE_NUMBER = 1, REQS_IN_POOL_FLAG = N, REQTOPO_AUTOMATION_FAILED = N, ELIGIBILITY: PO_REQ_TO_PO_ELIGIBLE, VENDOR_ID: 300000080677424, VENDOR_SITE_ID: 300000080677450, AGREEMENT_HEADER_ID: .

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Processing completed for Requisition Line ID: 300000081240312. Values Set: ASSIGNED_BUYER_ID = 300000001844156, REQUISITION_NUMBER = 63, LINE_NUMBER = 1, REQS_IN_POOL_FLAG = N, REQTOPO_AUTOMATION_FAILED = N, ELIGIBILITY: PO_REQ_TO_PO_ELIGIBLE, VENDOR_ID: 300000080677424, VENDOR_SITE_ID: 300000080677450, AGREEMENT_HEADER_ID: .

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Processing completed for Requisition Line ID: 300000081240314. Values Set: ASSIGNED_BUYER_ID = 300000001844156, REQUISITION_NUMBER = 63, LINE_NUMBER = 2, REQS_IN_POOL_FLAG = N, REQTOPO_AUTOMATION_FAILED = N, ELIGIBILITY: PO_REQ_TO_PO_ELIGIBLE, VENDOR_ID: 300000080677424, VENDOR_SITE_ID: 300000080677450, AGREEMENT_HEADER_ID: .

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Update for Requisition Lines.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Default Grouping Options for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Pcard and Emergency PO Requisitions

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Blanket Purchasing Agreement

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Contract Purchasing Agreement

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Procurement Options.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Configured Item flag

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on FIXED PRICE

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Requisition Info Template

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulting Grouping Options based on Copy DFF Feature

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Default Grouping Options for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Default Grouping Attributes for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Document Currency.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Checking the validity of Shipping Method.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Checking the validity of Shipping Methods.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Checking the validity of Shipping Method.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Checking the validity of Shipping Methods.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Checking the validity of Shipping Method.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Checking the validity of Shipping Methods.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Checking the validity of Shipping Method.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Checking the validity of Shipping Methods.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Shipping method.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Document Style From Source Agreement.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Rate Date.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Start: Determine Currency and Rate Type for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Default Rate Type for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Rate Type.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Default Rate for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Default Rate for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Rate.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Auto Submit Option .

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Use Sales Order Number Flag.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Defaulted Grouping Attribute : Use Ship to location for grouping requisitions.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Default Grouping Attributes for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Header Level Grouping for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Ranking: Header Level Grouping for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Done Ranking: Header Level Grouping for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Populate Interface Tables: Header Level Grouping for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Done Populating Interface Tables: Header Level Grouping for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Finished: Header Level Grouping for Requisition Lines Eligible for Automation.

20:09:2023 13:00:01 :- Started: Automatic PO Creation

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- Inside Process Demand — LogBook Contents:

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214801463: Document creation started.

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214801464: Interface header id — 98030

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214801466: Querying of rows from interface header tables — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214801475: Getting system defaults — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214801479: Maintaining the requisition line reference — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214802924: Defaulting values into the interface fields — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214802931: Grouping interface lines — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214802935: Refreshing the data in the middle tier from the database — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803116: Populating purchasing draft tables — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803133: Posting the changes done in middle tier to the database — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803140: Executing post processing tasks — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803181: Accounts Generation — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803282: Calculating tax — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803343: Synchronising transaction and draft tables — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803358: Copying attachments — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803358: Copying contract terms — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803358: Commit — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803359: Contracts defaulting integration — Started

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803525: Contracts defaulting integration — Completed

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803871: Submit Purchase Order for ApprovalCREATEDOC

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214803871: submitForApproval Flag Value: Y

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214804106: Submitting the document for approval — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214804106: DocumentId: 300000081233161, DocumentNum: 40

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- 1695214804106: Document creation — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:04 :- Order Number: 1 Interface Header ID: 98030 Procurement BU ID: 300000002956250 Requisitioning BU ID: 300000002956250 PO Header ID: 300000081233161 PO Number: 40 Errors encountered:

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Inside Process Demand — LogBook Contents:

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214804141: Document creation started.

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214804141: Interface header id — 98031

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214804143: Querying of rows from interface header tables — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214804149: Getting system defaults — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214804151: Maintaining the requisition line reference — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806544: Defaulting values into the interface fields — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806549: Grouping interface lines — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806552: Refreshing the data in the middle tier from the database — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806712: Populating purchasing draft tables — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806725: Posting the changes done in middle tier to the database — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806730: Executing post processing tasks — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806765: Accounts Generation — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806812: Calculating tax — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806846: Synchronising transaction and draft tables — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806855: Copying attachments — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806855: Copying contract terms — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806855: Commit — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806856: Contracts defaulting integration — Started

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214806989: Contracts defaulting integration — Completed

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214807322: Submit Purchase Order for ApprovalCREATEDOC

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214807322: submitForApproval Flag Value: Y

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214807430: Submitting the document for approval — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214807430: DocumentId: 300000081233169, DocumentNum: 41

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- 1695214807430: Document creation — COMPLETE

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Order Number: 2 Interface Header ID: 98031 Procurement BU ID: 300000002956250 Requisitioning BU ID: 300000002956250 PO Header ID: 300000081233169 PO Number: 41 Errors encountered:

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Completed: Automatic PO Creation

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Processing of Batch Completed.

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Started: Cleanup of Interface Tables.

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Finished: Cleanup of Interface Tables.

20:09:2023 13:00:07 :- Processing Completed.


Generate Orders Job Successfully Submitted.

[2023–09–20 13:00:03.036 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion] BEGIN: Start of subprogram.

[2023–09–20 13:00:03.063 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion.110] Req and PO Currency

equivalent (AUD) — taking

currency_unit_price/amount directly from

the Req Line.

[2023–09–20 13:00:03.063 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion] END: End of subprogram.

[2023–09–20 13:00:03.329 +00:00] [cal_anticipated_arrival_date.30] count of orders: = 1

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.579 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion] BEGIN: Start of subprogram.

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.581 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion.110] Req and PO Currency

equivalent (AUD) — taking

currency_unit_price/amount directly from

the Req Line.

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.581 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion] END: End of subprogram.

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.609 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion] BEGIN: Start of subprogram.

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.610 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion.110] Req and PO Currency

equivalent (AUD) — taking

currency_unit_price/amount directly from

the Req Line.

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.611 +00:00] [db.po.plsql.do_currency_conversion] END: End of subprogram.

[2023–09–20 13:00:06.833 +00:00] [cal_anticipated_arrival_date.30] count of orders: = 1



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