1. Import Mapping
Create import maps to facilitate uploading item data into interface tables for import using import batches. You can use import maps to help upload item data from a variety of external sources into Oracle Product Hub. To use external data sources whose layout doesn’t exactly correspond to the master data for Product Hub, you can map source data from comma-separated value (CSV) files and Extensible Markup Language (XML) files or .TXT file to the master data. When you specify a CSV, XML, or Nested XML source data file while creating or editing import maps in the Managing Import Maps page, the file data isn’t directly uploaded to Product Hub, but is first uploaded to an item batch. You can upload source data using import maps from the Manage Item Batches page
- 1 Input Data Source file either in .TXT or .CVS file format.
· In the Product Information Management work area, select the Manage Import Maps task from the panel drawer
· In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Import Maps task:
o Offering: Product Management
o Functional Area: Items
o Task: Manage Import Maps
· To create an import map, click the Create icon on the toolbar or select Actions > Create from the menu
· On the Create Import Map or Edit Import Map page, specify the import map information the following table
Setup 2
1.1 Specify Source File Information
Setup 3.
1.1 Map Source Data and Master Data Attributes
The Source Data table displays the data columns from the source file. The Master Data table displays the item attributes available in Oracle Product Hub. You can map attributes from different item classes in a single import map. You can map one source map attribute to multiple master data attributes, but not the other way around. You can create expressions on source data attributes to combine multiple source data attributes and map the expression to a master data attribute
· In the Master Data table, select an option in the Item Class field to specify the item class from which to view and map the master data attributes. The default item class is Root Item Class.
· In the Master Data table, locate a master data attribute to which you want to map a source data attribute.
o Expand the hierarchical attribute tree to locate an attribute. You can also search for an attribute by entering all or part of the attribute’s name in the search field above the master data list. Click the Next and Previous controls to locate multiple occurrences of the attribute.
· To map a source data attribute to a master data attribute, drag and drop an unmapped row from the Source Data Column of the Source Data table onto an attribute in the Master Data table.
o Alternatively, select a data column in the Source Data table, select Actions > Map Source Columns, search for and select a master data attribute in the Select Master Column dialog box, and click OK.
· Click Generate Templates if you want to create a Microsoft Excel template, also referred to as Smart Spreadsheet, for the import map.
· Click Save
Step 4
1.1 Generate Smart Spreadsheets
Product data stewards can generate Smart Spreadsheets for import maps. These spreadsheets help users in reducing data entry errors while creating the data files that are to be used for importing data into Product Hub. These spreadsheets contain the attributes that are mapped in the import map, with their respective list of valid values and metadata information, such as data type, maximum length, and precision. The data entered in the spreadsheet is validated against the attribute metadata. Data files can then be generated from the populated spreadsheets, which can then be used to import data into Product Hub. The Smart Spreadsheets that are generated take only the attribute metadata that’s available at that point in time when they’re generated. So if any attribute metadata is edited after the Smart Excel is generated, then you need to regenerate the Smart Spreadsheet.
· Click the Generate Templates button in the Source Data region of the Import Map.
· In the Generate Templates dialog box, select the languages for which the spreadsheets are to be generated.
· Click Generate. Language-specific Smart Spreadsheets are generated and attached to the import map. Use the link at the Templates field of the Source File region of the map to download the templates.
Setup 5
1.1 Add Data, Generate Data File, or Upload Data Using Smart Spreadsheet
The smart spreadsheet contains two sheets-Instructions sheet and Data sheet. The Instructions sheet provides the information to validate data, generate a data file, and upload the data to the item batch for import. The Data sheet is where you will enter the data. It also provides the name of the item batch, spoke system, and the import map that was used to generate the spreadsheet. These attributes won’t display in the smart spreadsheets generated for import maps marked as external
· If you change the import map name, the specified import map won’t be used for generating the data file or uploading the data to an item batch. This attribute is for information purpose only
· Item attributes with only 10000 values are displayed as drop-down lists in the smart spreadsheet
· The smart spreadsheets doesn’t work with 32-bit Microsoft Office on Mac and 64-bit Microsoft Office is required
· Smart spreadsheet is certified on Microsoft Excel 365. The spreadsheet is supported only for those Excel versions that are currently supported by Microsoft Corporation.
Adding and Validating Data in the Smart Spreadsheet
To enter the data in the smart spreadsheet, refer to the bubble text on each column header for the description of the data and data type that the column requires. After adding the data, click Validate on the Add-ins tab to validate the data. If there are any errors, the respective cells are highlighted. Click the bubble text in the column header to understand and correct the error. If a value isn’t entered for a mandatory attribute, warning is displayed. Resolve all the errors and warnings and then click Validate to confirm that there are no errors.
· Enter the date attribute in the DD/MMM/YYYY format. Eg:28/May/2023
After validating the data, you can either generate a data file or upload the data to the item batch for import
Generating a Data File
To generate a data file, click Generate Data File on the Add-ins tab. Use this data file to import the data into Product Hub.
The output date file gets generated under source file region. Either click on the link or folder to download the output date file in .CSV format.
2. Manage Item Batches
Create item batches to import sets of item data including product structure and pack hierarchies from multiple product source systems.
When you create a new item batch definition, you specify a target organization then specify the product source system and data quality options. Based on the specified spoke system, the options that were defined during source system management are populated. You can override these options for the specific item batch. You can also modify the import batch option settings.
1.1 Adding Items to an Item Batch
After the item batch definition has been saved, you can add items to the item batch using .Txt , CSV or another delimited file format, XML.
· Import Maps: Create an item batch on the Manage Item Batch page, and select Actions > Add Items to Batch > Upload from File. In the Upload from File dialog box, specify the import map, the source data file (which is CSV or XML), and, if uploading attachments, the attachments .zip file, and select Upload File.
· Click on Save and Add items
The following objects are available for import:
· Items
· Structures and Packs
· Trading Partner Item Relationships
· Category Assignments
· GTIN Relationships
· Item cross-references
· Related Items
· Trading Partner Items
· The item batch will process the items and complete successful with green tick symbol
· Open the Item batch link and click on save and Import.
· Again system run the item batch and complete successful with tick symbol.
· In the completed tab
o Number items processed will be displayed
o Under the search results you can find the number of items imported.
o Click on item link for more information about the items that are imported.
3. Import Attachment file
The process to importing attachment file is same as item import mapping. Pls follow the same instruction.
Step 1.
Create import input date source file as blow.
2. Refer Step 5 and follow the instruction.
3. Refer Manage item Batches section and follow the instructions.
4. Upload Output date file and attachment file
5. Click Upload file
6. Refer Manage item Batches section and follow the rest of the instructions.
4. Import Item Structure
The process to importing attachment file is same as item import mapping. Pls follow the same instruction.
Step 1.
Create import input date source file as blow.
2. Refer Step 5 and follow the instruction.
3. Refer Manage item Batches section and follow the instructions.
4. Upload Output date file and attachment file
5. Click Upload file
5. Refer Manage item Batches section and follow the rest of the instructions.
6. User Defined Attribute Groups
User-defined attributes are based on extensible flexfields. Create an attribute group to determine which attributes are used at runtime. User-defined attributes can have a static or dynamic list of valid values, or a range of values. You can define the values for user-defined attributes when you create the item, and the values remain the same for the life cycle of the item. You can save user-defined attributes within attribute groups. You can associate user-defined attributes with items by adding attribute groups to item classes.
- For user-defined attributes, you can optionally define validation rules to be applied when the user inputs data.
- When you create an attribute group, make sure you specify the API name.
- Avoid creating similar names for the item class and flexfield attribute groups. Distinct names help ensure that rules run without error
After you create the attribute group and attributes, perform these tasks to complete the extensible flexfield setup:
· Associate the attribute to the item class using the Manage Item Class task.
· Deploy the attribute using the Deploy Item Extensible Flexfields task.
- Create Item attribute groups
2. Add Attributes
a. Under Edit Attribute
1. Enter Attribute Name
2. Data Types
3. Create Value set
§ Validation Type= Format Only
§ Validation Data Type=Character
§ Maximum Length =250
4. Display Type=Text Area
5. BI Enabled=yes
6. Save and Close
- Create import input date source file as blow.
1. Refer Step 5 and follow the instruction.
2. Refer Manage item Batches section and follow the instructions.
3. Upload Output date file and attachment file
4. Click Upload file
1. Refer Manage item Batches section and follow the rest of the instructions.